Recently created stories presents - New York City

New York City

“The Big Apple”, is the largest city in the United States and is visited by millions of travellers every year. New York is so popular because it offers architecture, very varied culture (migrants from many countries are estimated to speak 800 different languages), history and special events that cannot be found anyplace else. New York City is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River, providing one of the world’s largest natural harbors.“New York” only became its name twenty years later when the British gained control and re-named it after the Duke of York, King Charles II’s brother. presents - Eurovision Dänemark 2019 - Vorentscheidung

Eurovision Dänemark 2019 - Vorentscheidung

Der 49. Dansk Melodi Grand Prix fand am 23. Februar 2019 in der Jyske Bank Boxen in Herning statt und war der dänische Vorentscheid für den Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Tel Aviv (Israel). Es war das fünfte Mal, dass Herning den Vorentscheid austrug. Im Super-Finale erhielt der Titel "Love Is Forever" vorgetragen von Leonora die meisten Stimmen und gewann damit die Vorentscheidung. #eurovision #song #contest #leonora #2019 
2 previous stories presents - Sport


Sport is a major area of human interest and activity. A large part of our leisure, newspaper and TV time is given over to it. A pragmatic approach to defining “sport” is to look at the common usage of the term. A sport can be operationally defined as an activity characteristically involving : # athlete #sport #running #run #girls #women #olympic #fast  
4 continuations presents - Aviation


In 1899 the Wright brothers constructed and launched a series of gliders to test the manoeuvrability of a manned aircraft. Then on December 17, 1903, powered flight was first achieved when over the course of the day both Orville and Wilbur piloted successful flights, the longest lasting 59 seconds and covering over 850 feet. Around the same time the Frenchman, Louis Bleriot, was experimenting with powered flight and in 1909 he won a £1,000 prize offered by a newspaper for the first powered aircraft to make a crossing from France to England. #aviation #aircraft #fly  
1 continuations presents - Авіація


У 1899 році брати Райт сконструювали та випустили серію планерів для перевірки маневреності пілотованого літака. Потім 17 грудня 1903 року вперше було здійснено силовий політ, коли протягом дня і Орвілл, і Вілбур пілотували успішні польоти, найдовший - 59 секунд і охоплював понад 850 футів. Приблизно в той же час француз, Луї Блеріо, експериментував з польотом з електроприводом, і в 1909 році він виграв приз у 1000 фунтів стерлінгів, запропонований газетою, за перший силовий літак, який здійснив перехід з Франції до Англії. #aviation #aircraft #fly presents - Рим


Рим, столиця Італії, є одним з головних туристичних напрямків у світі, щороку приймаючи дивовижні 7-10 мільйонів туристів. Рим розташований на березі річки Тибр, і його привабливість для туристів - це неймовірна кількість інтересів, які все ще можна знайти в численних історичних місцях. Населення Риму перевищує три з половиною мільйони, і в ньому міститься окрема держава - Ватикан, населення - всього 920. #travel #rome #italy #city #capital  
1 previous stories presents - Rome


Rome, the capital of Italy is one of the world’s major tourist destinations, receiving an amazing 7-10 million tourists every year. Rome is situated on the banks of the River Tiber, and its attraction for tourists is the incredible amount of interest that can still be found in its numerous historical sites. Rome has a population of over three and a half million, and it contains a separate state, the Vatican City, population just 920. #travel #rome #italy #city #capital 0Bs3et8FYyg presents - Доброе утро :)

Доброе утро :)

Когда хочется побаловать близких) presents - Глаза 😍

Глаза 😍 presents - Relais La Suvera

Relais La Suvera

Once an ancient medieval fortress later converted into a sumptuous Renaissance villa, through the genius of the architect Baldassarre Peruzzi. In 1508 it became the sumptuous residence of Pope Julius II while in the following centuries it welcomed his descendants and more recently the friends and relations of the Ricci family in its patrician halls surrounded by lush gardens and a splendid church, stables and farmhouse. 
1 continuations presents - Нетрезвый электрик приветствует вас)))

Нетрезвый электрик приветствует вас)))

И так, сегодня произошла со мной интересная история. Дело в том, что у меня сегодня день рождения, и в этот прекрасный вечер, когда все собрались за столом, вырубился свет....мда. ..сразу стали звонить в аварийку, дозвонились конечно не сразу, но в скором времени раздался стук в дверь. Заваливается пьяный электрик и выдаёт фразу, от которой я и мои гости потом долго смеялись: "Привет, а что у вас света-то нет, непорядок". Развернулся и ушёл.....мы сначала пребывали в лёгком шоке, однако вскоре дали свет, и мы вспоминая нашего пьяного электрика,долго смеялись над этой сценой😅😅😅 presents - Yalta – From Ancient Greece To Modern  (2/2)

Yalta – From Ancient Greece To Modern (2/2)

During most of the 20th century, Yalta was the principal holiday resort of the Soviet Union. In 1920 started the transformation of the city and the entire region from a fairly exclusive resort area into a recreation facility for tired proletarians, all of that by the decree “On the Use of Crimea for the Medical Treatment of the Working People”, which was issued by Vladimir Lenin. Numerous workers’ sanatoria were constructed in Yalta and around the surrounding district. #yalta #soviet #union #resort #crimea #sanatoria #district presents - The Red Square

The Red Square

When you travel to visit Moscow landmarks, there are some places you have to put in your tourist itinerary, if you want to experience the essence of what Moscow has to offer. This multi-million Russian Metropole has so many important historic and cultural landmarks that it is impossible to see them all in one visit, especially if it is a short one, so here are the top ones, you shouldn’t miss. #russia #moscow #metropole #history #culture presents - Things To Do In Eindhoven

Things To Do In Eindhoven

Eindhoven is a city in the southeastern part of the Netherlands. It is the fifth-largest city in the country and usually does not top the major tourism lists for the Netherlands. Those who overlook the quaint and interesting city of Eindhoven are doing themselves a disservice. Here are some of the top things to do in Eindhoven in the Netherlands. #eindhoven #netherlands #city #tourism #trip #tips